Space - Morongo Basin Cultural Arts Council



On view: Saturday, July 9 - Sunday, August 28, 2022
Artists' Reception: Saturday, July 9, 6 - 8 pm,
(as part of the Second Saturday Gallery Walk)
Joshua Tree Art Gallery: 61607 29 Palms Hwy, Suite B, Joshua Tree, CA
Gallery hours: Fridays 11am-3pm, Saturdays 9am-3pm and Sundays 12-3pm

JTAG’s Space show is a two month invitational exhibition featuring 24 artists based in the Morongo Basin. Gallery Director Katie Nartonis crafted a call for work that encouraged MBCAC members to submit art that explored both the beauty and physical aspects of outer space, but also to consider the exploration of inner space.  She notes “Our desert home provides ample opportunities to consider the great beyond with our spectacular starry skies. Many MBCAC artists provided fresh work and the show is a marvelous mix of medium and differing approaches to depicting SPACE.”

A strong thread of humor runs through the JTAG SPACE show. Gordon Forkert’s “Wedding Abduction” features a historical family photo and the addition of strange alien visitors. Snake Jagger’s “Titan Spa and Retreat” depicts a couple hot-tubbing in an extra terrestrial planetary landscape. Both artists created these works expressly for the show.

Lander’s sculptor Cybele Rowe includes an example from her newest series “Chthonic Eternal Tears” which combines her large sculptural work and the element of running water. Rowe notes that this new series is “born of tears, a continuous recycling water work, both for the desert birds and in recognition that tears are an overflow of emotions, both happy and sad.”

At the request of the curator, artist Philip Miller has included a historical sculptural piece from 1991 as a response to the recent controversial Supreme Court rulings. Miller has renamed the piece for the exhibit, “What Planet Are We On?” The edgy work was originally conceived in response to the uncomfortable confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas.

Featured artists include: Simon Alexia, Ida Alwin, David Bottoms, Bonnie Brady, Cesca, Cheeky, Doug Dolde, Susan Durazo, Julianne Elliot, DeeDee Forrester, Gordon Forkert, Marcia Geiger, John Greenfield, Snake Jagger, Ed Keesling, Philip Miller, Art Mortimer, Tami Roleff, Cybele Rowe, Victoria Sebanz, Joan Scott, Jen Shakti, Esther Shaw, Laurel Thomas, Laurie Windeknecht, Deanna Valdez.

JTAG celebrates all of the MBCAC member artists who have participated in the SPACE show. We know that many of you (192 in fact!) are busy getting ready for the HIGHWAY 62 ART TOURS in October. The MBCAC (Morongo Basin Cultural Arts Council) runs both the gallery at JTAG and the HWY62 ART TOURS.